Get Started with SalesforcePy


From Git

Install directly from Git using PyPi.

pip install git+ssh://

From Local Source

  1. Download and extract, or clone this repo.
  2. cd into the /SalesforcePy directory.
  3. Run pip install ..

Create a Client and Log In

Getting started with SalesforcePy is a three-step process:

  1. Import SalesforcePy
  2. Create a client
  3. Perform a login request
#Import SalesforcePy
import SalesforcePy as sfdc

# Create an instance of a Salesforce client. Replace the credentials here with valid ones.
client = sfdc.client(
    version = "38.0", # optional, defaults to the latest version for your instance.
    timeout = "30", # optional, defines a connect/read timeout value, if not specified requests can hang for minutes or more.

# Log in
login_results = client.login()

In this example, login_results[0] is a dict with the response from the Salesforce OAuth resource. The only supported flow at present is username-password. For more information about the response, see Understanding the Username-Password OAuth Authentication Flow.

You can also use the context manager which handles login() and logout() automatically.

client_args = {'username' :'',
    'password' :'p@ssword1',
    'client_id': 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx',
    'client_secret' : '123456789123456789'
with sfdc.client(**client_args) as client:
search_result ='FIND {"test"} RETURNING Case(Id)')