How do I inspect my organisation schema?

  1. Log in to Workbench.
  2. Go to Info > Standard and Custom Objects.
  3. In the Object dropdown, choose the object you wish to inspect (eg. Case) then click Select.
  4. Expand Fields. You should find what you’re looking for here.

How do I test a query?

  1. Log in to Workbench.
  2. Go to Queries > SOQL Query.
  3. Enter your query or optionally use the form to help you build the query, then click Query.

Is it possible to debug requests being made by SalesforcePy?

Yes. Here’s an example of how to do it, and what to expect.

import logging
import SalesforcePy as sfdc

username = "jsoap@universalcontainers.com"
password = "p@ssword1"
client_id = "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
client_secret = "123456789123456789"

client = sfdc.client(
client.debug(level=logging.INFO)    # Tell the client to debug at an info level
client.login()  # Outputs "POST https://login.salesforce.com/services/oauth2/token" to logs

Can I specify a proxy to talk to Salesforce Org in the code?

Yes. Here’s an example of how to do it.

import SalesforcePy as sfdc

username = "jsoap@universalcontainers.com"
password = "p@ssword1"
client_id = "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
client_secret = "123456789123456789"

client = sfdc.client(
    proxies={"https": "localhost:8888/example/"}    # `proxies` kwarg takes a dict as required by the `requests` module.